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Internal Evaluation Protocol

Internal Evaluation Protocol

Gateway Provides Individualized Care within the TC Framework

For years Gateway has partnered with the Texas Christian University Institute of Behavioral Research (TCU/IBR) to incorporate a research-based assessment protocol into our model, thereby ensuring that treatment services are directly related to individual risks and needs throughout the treatment episode. This approach is currently unique to Gateway Foundation programs, as indicated by Dr. Kevin Knight, of TCU/IBR, in a recent letter of support:

“It is important to note that while many providers across the country are currently using the TCU assessment system, Gateway is clearly leading the path in taking it to the next step and actually delivering treatment services specific to identified client risks and needs—an important value added component over a ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach!”

Gateway assisted TCU/IBR in the development of the Automated Data Collection (ADC) system for administering the Criminal Justice Client Evaluation of Self and Treatment (CEST) and the Criminal Thinking Scales (CTS), and is the provider with the most years of experience collecting and using this information for treatment improvement within our programs.


Gateway’s Internal Evaluation Protocol Leads to Proven Success

In the effort to establish an internal outcome evaluation for our New Jersey DOC service delivery system, Gateway worked with TCU/IBR to develop a structured internal assessment and evaluation protocol. This effort produced a method for Gateway clinicians to implement evidence based assessment instruments throughout the offender’s treatment episode, allowing us to measure changes in risks and needs over periods of time throughout treatment. Although Gateway has participated in numerous outcome evaluations over the years, this was the first time we were able to employ a process evaluation strategy to adapt our treatment interventions during treatment.

In early 2008, Gateway adopted the Internal Evaluation Protocol and the TCU ADC data collection system across the entire Corrections Division. This protocol is now used in all correctional programs, and is a staple of all planned expansion. By using evidence-based instruments and methodologies, our process evaluation results enable Gateway to demonstrate real successes with its interventions, providing evidence that we are effective stewards of public funds and tax-payer support. Gateway is a responsible partner that can assist corrections departments with reducing recidivism in a cost-effective manner.

For additional information about Gateway’s research