Through Gateway Foundation’s commitment to quality improvement we have continued to adapt our therapeutic community treatment model according to current research advancements and evidence-based practices.
We integrated Cognitive Restructuring into our correctional programming over 15 years ago, and incorporate it into the treatment methodology of all of our programs. Gateway believes that to successfully treat addiction, you must treat the whole person, and cognitive restructuring techniques are woven into all aspects of the treatment milieu.
We have incorporated Motivational Interviewing techniques into the Orientation and Primary Treatment phases of our Therapeutic Communities in an effort to improve client engagement and retention in our programs, and within our Community Services Division have dozens of certified trainers registered with the Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers.
In an effort to improve the transition from in-prison correctional treatment to the community, The Change Companies, Inc. developed research-based curricula for Gateway which specifically addresses Relapse Prevention and Re-Entry issues. The “interactive journaling” model is used in conjunction with counselor-led process groups to ensure internalization of the material for the maximum benefit of the clients.
Truly individualized “adaptive” treatment within the TC framework has been a focus for Gateway Foundation for over a decade. Our relationship with the TCU Institute of Behavioral Research has led to the development of an assessment protocol that identifies individual risks and needs throughout the treatment episode, allowing for modified interventions based on the client’s progress (or lack thereof) in the program.
These brief examples demonstrate our commitment to leading the field of correctional treatment services, and highlight our ability to deliver a TC model that will enhance the overall quality and efficacy of any service delivery system.
For additional information about Gateway’s Internal Evaluation Protocol