The Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) is a national standard, codified at Title 28 Part 115 of the Code of Federal Regulations (28 CFR 115), mandating zero tolerance of sexual abuse and sexual harassment of persons in the custody of U.S. correctional facilities.
Per the HCRTC PREA Policy on Referrals for Criminal Investigation (PREA Standard 115.222) HCRTC requires that all allegations of sexual assault be referred for investigation to law enforcement, the Harris County Sheriff’s Office (HCSO). Any allegation involving threats or use of force, or sexual activity without consent or the ability to consent must be referred to HCSO immediately for criminal investigation. Harris County Texas Sheriff’s Office 346-286-1600
A. Gateway Foundation Corrections (Gateway) maintains a zero tolerance standard for sexual misconduct in any correctional or community-based facility where operations are located.
B. In adherence to PREA standards, Gateway has established adequate prevention planning, reporting mechanisms, training & education, investigative protocols, and screening procedures, in order to identify and mitigate risks for sexual victimization and abusiveness. Gateway enforces a non-retaliation policy for any resident or staff member who reports abuse. Documentation of adherence to PREA standards, including incident reports, investigative reviews, and corrective action plans shall be collected and maintained according to federal regulations.